Where to buy

Where possible, I would encourage you to order the books from your local bookstore or public library.

All you need is the ISBN code:

Strange Tales from the North: 9 788799 642663

The Other Mermaid: 9 788799 642632

Kingdom of Clockwork: 9 788799 642601
It’s Only a Clockwork Moon: 9 788799 642618
A Clockwork Carol: 9 788799 642625

Kongens urmager: 9 788799 642656
Den anden havfrue: 9 788799 642649


Vieterivoiman valtakunta: 9 789525 802146

Chinese (Mandarin):

发条王国 : 978 7 5075 5578 3

The paperbacks can otherwise be purchased online from Wordery, who offer free delivery worldwide. (Though please note that, depending on where you live in the world, you may have to pay customs duty and/or VAT.)

I do not sell my paperbacks on Amazon because of the appalling conditions in the company’s warehouses, but the e-book and audio versions are available there.

In Svalbard, The Other Mermaid is on sale at the North Pole Expedition Museum in Longyearbyen.

In Denmark, the Kingdom of Clockwork paperbacks are on sale in the gift shop of the Round Tower of Copenhagen and at the bookshop Fantask, who also have a mail order service. And of course, you can order the books through any bookshop.

Currently, these are also the only places where the box set of the Kingdom of Clockwork trilogy is available  (see photo), but write to me at billy@blackswan.dk if you have problems obtaining it.

Available from Amazon: Kindle and Smashwords

Available from most audiobook distributors, including Mofibo, Audible, etc. :

